Expert Ostomies Surgery in Raleigh, NC

Stoma bag after colon surgery as medical patient drainage outlin

Ostomy surgeries are life-saving surgical procedures for patients whose natural waste elimination processes are disrupted by severe medical conditions or injury. In such cases, the skilled and experienced surgeons at UNC REX Colorectal Surgery in Raleigh can perform an ostomy to reroute bodily waste to bypass the dysfunctional area of the digestive system.

What Are Ostomies?

If you cannot have a bowel movement in the typical manner, your body still needs to remove waste. With an ostomy, the waste is evacuated via a surgically created stoma into a pouch worn on your abdomen, which holds the stool.

Different Types of Ostomies

Ostomy surgeries performed at UNC REX Colorectal Surgery include:

What Conditions Can Be Treated with Ostomies?

Ostomies can be performed to manage several digestive conditions. For example, you may need an ostomy if you’ve been injured or if you have:

  • Advanced colorectal cancer
  • Crohn’s Disease
  • Ulcerative colitis
  • Inflammatory Bowel Disease (IBD)
  • Blockage in your colon, rectum, or anus
  • Incurable fecal incontinence

What Does Ostomy Surgery Involve?

The surgical creation of an ostomy involves bringing a portion of either the small or large bowel through the abdominal wall so that waste can be evacuated from the body. The waste goes into a pouch once it leaves the body and is then emptied as needed.

Ostomy procedures begin with shaving and sterilizing the treatment area. Anesthesia will be administered, and then the surgeon will make the necessary incision for creating the stoma. Once the stoma is placed, an ostomy bag or pouch will be attached to it.

Ostomy Surgery Recovery

Recovery from a colostomy or ileostomy requires downtime and several weeks of reduced physical activity. Typically, the patient will spend the first three to five days of their recovery in the hospital. The at-home recovery period will continue for about eight weeks.

UNC REX Colorectal Surgery patients are given comprehensive post-op instructions. Following these instructions carefully and completely is the best way to support optimal healing and ensure the shortest, most comfortable recovery possible.

Step-by-step directions for ostomy care, including how to empty, clean, and change the ostomy pouch, will also be provided and reviewed with you.

What to Expect After Ostomy Surgery: Lifestyle Management

Though it will take some time and patience to adjust to living with an ostomy, people with ostomies lead active, fulfilled lives, free from the pain and discomfort of their digestive condition. Patients who undergo ostomy surgery are sometimes known as “ostomates.”

Our knowledgeable medical staff, along with community support groups and online resources, can make it much easier to adapt to life with an ostomy. The Colorectal Division of North Carolina Surgery at UNC REX is proud to work with patients living with ostomies and their families. You can click the link below to access resources that may help as you begin your journey as an ostomate:

Additional Resources

Contact Us to Learn More

If you have been advised to consider ostomy surgery, reach out to our office today to schedule an appointment with one of the highly qualified medical providers at UNC REX Colorectal Surgery in Raleigh, NC.